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TMRC Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31st December 2021

During 2021, TMRC managed to record another commanding profit before tax on account of maintaining a good investment portfolio and effective cost management. The Company recorded a Profit…

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The mortgage market in Tanzania registered a 2 percent growth in the value of mortgage loans as at 31 December 2021 as compared to 3 percent growth recorded in previous quarter. Annual growth was…

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13 Apr, 2021

TMRC Annual Report and Financial Statement for the year ended 31 December 2020

During the year 2020, TMRC record a commanding profit before tax on account of maintaining a good investment portfolio and effective cost management. The Company recorded a profit before tax of TZS…

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20 Jan, 2021 News and Events

African Union for Housing Finance Elects a New Board of Directors at its 36th Annual General Meeting

The members of the African Union for Housing Finance elected their new Board of Directors at the AUHF’s 36th Annual General Meeting, which was held virtually, on the 5th November 2020. The…

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20 Jan, 2021 News and Events

Making Housing Affordable and Accessible with Market-based Solutions: Innovative Financing to Address Housing in Tanzania

In Tanzania, a seven-fold expansion of the housing finance market was achieved through International Development Association (IDA) financing and an innovative solution to address housing, a critical…

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TMRC Annual Report and Financial Statement for the year ended 31 December 2018

During the year, mortgage market grew by TZS 76 billion. The total mortgage portfolio balances amongst banks stood at TZS 421.10 billion as at the end of the year of 2018 representing 4,996…

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TMRC Audited Financial Statement 2016

The directors present this report and the audited financial statements for thr financial year ended 31 December 2016 which disclose the state of affairs of the company

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Banking & Financial Institutions (Mortgage Finance) Regulations, 2015

These Regulations may be cited as the Banking and Financial Institutions (Mortgage Finance) Regulations, 2015. Application 2. These Regulations shall apply to any person engaged in mortgage finance…

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BOT Notice to all Banks and Financial Institutions

Reduction of Risk Weight for Residential Mortgages from 100 per cent to 50 per cent. Following recommendations received from various stakeholders of the banking sector, the Bank of Tanzania has…

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