TMRC has three Board Committees whose role is to ensure a high standard of corporate governance throughout the Company. These Committees are Board Audit and Risk Committee (BARC); Board Credit Committee (BCC) and Board Human Resources and Governance Committee (BHRGC). The activities of these Committees are governed by the respective Committee Charters which are approved by the Board. The three Committees report to the Board of Directors.
Board Audit and Risk Committee
Board Audit and Risk Committee Purpose and Responsibilities
The Board Audit and Risk Committee reviews significant accounting policies and financial reporting systems to ensure that they are adequate and are complied with at all times. It reviews adequacy of internal control systems and monitors implementation of actions to address issues raised by Internal and External auditors and Regulators.
The Committee assists the Board in evaluation and selection of external auditors at least annually. It also recommends termination of existing auditors whenever it is found that the performance is not in line with the assigned duties and responsibilities and/or there is no independence for the auditors to discharge their duties in a professional manner. The Head of Internal Audit reports directly to the Board Audit and Risk Committee.
Board Credit Committee
Board Credit Committee Purpose and Responsibilities
The main function of the Board Credit Committee is to monitor performance and quality of the credit portfolio, appraise and approve loans within its credit approval limit and to recommend to the Board for approval of facilities beyond its limit. The Committee reviews Credit Policy at least once a year and ensures that it contains sound fundamental principles that facilitate identification, measurement, monitoring and control of credit risk as well as having appropriate plans and strategies for credit risk management.
Board Human Resources Governance and Governance Committee (BHRGC)
BHRGC Purpose and Responsibilities
The main function of this Committee is to develop, review and enhance the company approach to corporate governance and human resources management practices. The Committee ensures that there is a succession plan for executives and other key positions within the company. It is also responsible for reviewing and recommending reward strategy and annual compensation for the Board, senior management and other employees of the company.
The Committee makes general recommendations to the Board on corporate governance, including directorship practices, recruitment and retirement policies for the executives of the company, issues arising from Annual General Meeting (AGM), the function and duties of the Committees of the Board and any changes/issues that the Committee believes to be desirable in the matter to be covered by the Board or any of its committees.